How it works

Mojang and Microsoft officially only allow for specific minigame servers to be connected to from consoles. To get around this we have to trick the consoles into connecting to an intermediate service that will redirect you to a server of your choice, or if you wish one of those existing servers. This is done by making a simple network configuration change on your console.

Whilst the configuration itself is minimal and low risk, we have to warn you that you will be directing your console's DNS requests (a service which tells you what IP address connects to what address) to a 3rd party other than your usual ISP.  London Gaymers has no control over or responsibility for this 3rd party so we cannot guarantee they won't take a look to see what addresses you're requesting, or direct you somewhere totally different. 

The configuration information is provided only to provide a consistent source to those who were requesting it and is provided without guarantee or warranty or support.

Setting up your console

Getting started

Advanced Settings

DNS Settings

🛈 You may need to restart your console if you have played the game recently.

In Game

Join a multiplayer server like normal?

🛈 If you wanted to actually play on one of these servers, don't fret! You will be able to select one in the next screen.

Add LGMC to the list

🛈 You will also see the same server list from before in this menu, so you can use this menu if you wanted to connect to one of those servers.

Do I have to do all that again?